We had put all our efforts to produce some respectable reading matter on software marketing. We sure do wish it's respectable enough for you.
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A Newbie Guide - The Absolute Truth About Internet Marketing
A Newbie Guide - The Absolute Truth About Internet Marketing
Helping people and giving Newbies "No Holds Barred" advice is what makes me tick. I'm no Terry Dean earning an income that allows him to buy a forest but I have been marketing online since 1998 and I know which way is up!
Here's an email, modified to be an article, that I send to Newbies asking me how they can make a Million bucks Online!!
I always love to help people but remember I will never build you up with false promises. On the Internet you can realize just about any goal you set your heart on - if you are truly serious about running a proper business.
All you need to do is to take everything one step at a time. If you are expecting to make a few thousand dollars this month - You Won't! If you are expecting to make a Million by the end of the year - You Won't!
Online Marketing is not difficult but, just the same as any other trade or profession, you have to learn it. More importantly, you have REALLY got to WANT to learn it from the first step of the ladder. This does not and will not happen overnight.
The 98% of people that fail are "Fly By Nights". Continually buying into these $5, $10 programs or whatever just because there's the promise of a quick buck. That's being selfish.
Until you learn that other people, i.e. your customers, are far more important than you will ever be, you will always remain within the ranks of the 98% that have failed.
Use some common sense here folks. Just take a look at the proven successful people online such as Terry Dean, Yanik Silver, Richie Beneteau and more recently Frank Garon just to name a few.
Are these guys buying into five buck programs and "blasting" their Ads to $1 Safe Lists? Of course not. Why?
Simple Answer... They don't work! Not Yesterday, Not Today and Not Tomorrow - Period! Great as a hobby for earning a few bucks now and then but remember that true wealth brings with it both discipline and responsibility.
Discipline in your own life and responsibility towards your customers to provide them with the absolute best solution to their needs and/or problems.
Never forget that the last thing you want is for your valued customer to be stuck half way down some matrix or other and you never speak to them again. Chances are that if your name is associated with a $2 program or a useless service that has been bought on your personal recommendation they will never speak to you again anyway! Bye Bye future sales!
Your reputation is everything. Why ruin it forever just to make a few bucks today? What about tomorrow? Next Week? Next Year? A satisfied customer will stay with you for life and this is the direction in which you must be heading.
Why be a street corner trader when for the same effort your personal and financial rewards could be so much greater and last so much longer?
If you are prepared to go the distance there is now a vast amount of material available to you for free but also, unfortunately, there is even more junk which is guaranteed to confuse you.
Select your learning materials very carefully. As a general rule, any material either free or paid from the established Internet Marketers will always be good value. For starting out as a Newbie just pick those experts whose style you feel comfortable with and read everything they have ever written.
Then go back and read it all over again.
Read, Read, Read and then read some more. You are going back to school but there's no exams here. You either have enough knowledge to succeed or you don't. There is very little luck involved with Internet Marketing.
There are very few people who will be unable to grasp the concept of Internet Marketing. This being the case, why is it that 98% of people who try to make a living online will never make as much as $100 per month?
Again, a very simple answer. They are not consistent. They are not prepared to follow the steps that the experts use because it takes too much effort. They are always looking for a cheaper, faster and lazier way to make a buck.
Hence the huge amount of cheap and "free" scams available which everybody complains about but the 98% Failure Club are still there continuing to fan the flames with their dollar bills. I ask you to think seriously the next time that you are going to sign up with some program for "free" and spend all your time and energy promoting it as yet another "free opportunity" just so that people will join your downline.
What is the REAL Quality of the downline that you have just recruited? How much leverage and residual income have you created through your efforts? An honest answer would be minimal to none.
If you think small you will forever remain small. Consider that if someone had to pay $50, $100 or $250 to join a reputable, professional program, just think how much more motivated and active your downline is going to be.
If You Think Small You Will Forever Remain Small.
To be successful online there only a few simple steps to follow and as long as you consistently apply just basic business principles and ethics it is almost impossible to fail in your venture.
In conclusion remember that even the "Heavy Hitters" don't convert every lead. They have to work really hard to convert maybe only 2 or 3 in every hundred but, if you treat these customers with respect and don't just forget about them you will, in time, have a gold mine sitting on your desk top.
Ade Martin is the publisher of Ade's eCommerce News. A weekly marketing newsletter to help people who wish to start and grow their online home business in an ethical and professional manner. Subscribe Today. http://Ades-Webmasters-Portal.com/ (preferred) or mailto:aenews@ademartin.par32.com
Ade Martin is the publisher of Ade's eCommerce News and the owner/webmaster of several sites giving free assistance and information to newbies who wish to start and grow their online home business ethically and professionally. He has made available an entire members only marketing web site with pertinent information for the benefit of his readers which compliments his popular newsletter. http://Ades-Webmasters-Portal.com/
"How To Build Your Very Own Software Empire In 6 Easy Steps!"Brian Terry"How To Build Your Very Own Software Empire In 6 Easy Steps!"
By Brian Terry (c) 2002
Without question software products are "THE" biggest sellers online today, pulling in the hugest amount of profits for their creators, and quite often making them millionaires overnight.
You only need to look as far as Microsoft for evidence of this important fact.
However, what many people forget is you don't have to be a Bill Gates to build your own software empire.
In fact, right now there's small army of regular people like you and me wheeling tons of cash to the bank day in day out.
Believe it or not all you need is one "decent" project to quit your 9-5 job.
Read on and I'll reveal to you how you can start building your own "red hot" software products today!
These simple steps will give you the boost you need to quickly get things under way:
1. "How to pull hot ideas out of thin air"
Did you know the only qualifications you need to create and develop "killer" software are a good pair of eyes and ears!
Then it's just a simple matter of fine tuning these senses to dig for rock solid profitable software ideas.
Let me explain how you can do this...
Next time you use your computer make sure you have a pen and note pad next to you.
As you're working away on your PC keep your eyes peeled for ways of doing things better and more efficiently.
For example, when you're surfing around a website hunting down a piece of information you might think. "If only I had a drop down menu that enables me to search this entire site for what I'm looking for!".
Bingo! you've just had an idea for a new piece of software!
It doesn't stop there either...
You can get software ideas when you're doing anything, from watching TV to washing your car. You've just got to tune yourself in and jot down every idea you get.
As you can see it's easier than you think!
2. "Become a spy and gather intelligence"
So you now have several software ideas... what do you do with them now?
You need to know if they're profitable. Is there a market? Will people buy it?
The easiest way of doing this is going to somewhere like: http://download.cnet.com/ and search to see if anyone else is selling something the same or similar to your product idea.
If you find this is the case then excellent! you might be on to a winner!
It's now simply a matter of just looking for ways to make your product even better then theirs!
For the best results I recommend test driving your competitions products, make a list of all the features, take notes, look for way to make yours better then add your own magic sauce!
Now you've got the following under your belt: - A notebook full of ideas to research. - A method of spying on your competition to expand your own software feature list.
What's next?
3. "Build your blueprint for success"
Just like building a house software needs to be planned out in every possible detail. The more detail the better (this will save money and time later on).
Think about how people will be using your software, should it be web based or a stand alone application?
Will you offer a free demo so people can try before they buy? Will there be different version of your software for different markets? These are just a few of the questions you must ask yourself when you create the "blueprint".
4. "How to find a first class programmer"
Armed with a detailed software blueprint you now need a programmer to pull the whole thing together for you.
There are several types of programmers around, some better than others and you need to ask as many questions as possible.
I highly recommend getting some references first and speaking to them on the phone at the very least.
Here are a couple of places you could try online where you can "bid" for their services, always aim for quality rather than size if you're looking at a company.
http://www.ework.com http://www.freeagent.com http://www.elance.com
If you want low cost programming on a big project you could try looking offshore to countries like India, Russia and other Eastern European countries. There are some highly talented programmers out there!
At the end of the day you must do your homework wherever you decide to go.
If you're lucky you may just find a programmer to work for free - just to build their portfolio!
When you've finally selected your programmer you need to do these things:
- Agree a price.
- Agree a timescale for completion. - Agree a payout schedule. - Agree a contract for the project.
5. "It's all in the packaging"
What documentation are you giving with your new software? Tutorials? A basic set up guide? An A-Z reference file? I would suggest all 3 and you're covered.
Be sure to make it all as easy to read as possible.
6. "Promotion is essential!"
Now it's make it or break it time.
Keep in mind as with your software you need to plan your site with great care and in the smallest possible detail.
For the best results create a direct response website which answers every question your potential customers may have.
Always emphasise the benefits and use every opportunity you can to collect email addresses to follow up on. You could offer a demo or a 30 day free trial. What about a walk through showing screen shots? There are so many things you can do here!
To really succeed here are 7 key ingredients to creating your very own software empire:
1. A series of "hot" software products 2. A website that gets people to "click." 3. A regular involvement in joint ventures. 4. A useful, selling machine ezine. 5. An affiliate sales force doing most of the selling. 6. A viral marketing campaign. 7. An automated sales and delivery process.
Whilst the above isn't a definitive guide it should give you a good idea about what's involved and how you can easily do the same.
Brian Terry is the author and creator of http://softwaresecrets.5-minute-reviews.com/empire "Discover How to Build Your Own Software Empire Even If You Can't Write a Line of Code" Just send a blank email here: mailto:topsoftware@5-minute-reviews.com
Another short software marketing review
Perfect Chair with Walnut Electric Base and Sage Microsuede - Human Touch

Price: 1709.99
Wilshire Four Drawer Baker's Cabinet in Antique Pine - Hillsdale Furniture - 4507-854

Features: Solid pine Corner blocking Wood on wood drawer glides Thick drawer sides Tongue and groove drawer bottoms English dovetail construction Multi-step hand rubbed finish Finish:
Antique Pine
60.5" x 18" x 61"
Price: 879.69
Daybed - Caroline Twin Size Daybed in White - Fashion Bed Group - CAR-DBED-2

The Caroline Daybed captures the uniqueness of our times. This cost-effective daybed fits anywhere with its clean, uncomplicated lines. The gently sloping back and arms are welded for strength. This charming daybed has a light airy feel to it.
Available in Antique White an almost white finish or Flint which is a medium matte gray. Both finishes are electro-statically applied powder paint with a lacquer finish for durability.
B10193 Features: This cost-effective daybed fits anywhere with its clean, uncomplicated lines. The gently sloping back and arms are welded for strength. This charming daybed has a light airy feel to it. Finish:
39 1/2" x 79 3/8" x 48"
Price: 358.00
Patio Furniture / Outdoor Furniture - Milano Side Table - Eucalyptus Wood - Wood Finish - INT-BT-368

Features: Constructed of solid, Eucalyptus Wood. Finish:
23" x 23" x 17"
The FSC Logo identifies products which contain wood from well managed forests certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council (environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable).
Price: 109.99
Entertainment Center Furniture - Northhampton 61 Inch Console in Cherry - Encore Home Entertainment

Features: Removable back panels for easy access to components Surge protected power strip in each console Two adjustable wood shelves behind each center door Multiple wiring ports including large cable access Shelving engineered for easy transit of cables between components Hand grips engineered in all pieces to make moving furniture easy and safe All-media storage pullouts provide easy access to CDs, DVDs, and video cassettes Ventilated audio compartments for heat dissipation to prolong furniture and component life Finish:
61"(W) x 22"(D) x 30"(H)
Interior: 18"(W) x 19.5"(D)
Price: 1538.10
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Teeter Hang Ups EZ-Up™ Inversion System
Teeter Hang Ups EZ-Up™ Inversion System
Teeter Hang Ups EZ-Up™ Inversion System includes an Inversion Rack with SL Spyder Gravity Boots. Designed for the fit and flexible user, the Inversion System provides a safe and convenient method of full inversion. The dual bar system is designed fo
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SteelSeries Siberia full-size Headset - White
SteelSeries Siberia full-size Headset - White
With its gloss white color, the SteelSeries Siberia Full-Size Headset will appeal to the most professional gamers and design-oriented computer users. This headset is designed with a variety of uses including MP3-players, laptops, Sony PSP and other portable consoles. The unidirectional microphone works with HiFi & IP-telephony with a 1.8 meters cord. The 3.5mm mini jack includes an extra 6.3mm converter for professional audio equipment.
Customer Review: Great Headset!
I have gone through a bunch of headsets, Plantronics, Logitechs, and Sennheisers, all of them broke between the period of 6 to 12 months. Recently, my Steelseries 5HV2 broke, (well, the audio on the right ear piece went out). This headset is replacing the 5HV2 I had. I love the styling of this headset, definitely an eye pleaser and unique in its own way. Furthermore, I finally get to hear what bass sound like. All the headsets I used in the past were lacking in the bass department, even the 5HV2; however, this headset takes the crown. This headset is great for playing first person shooters and listening to music. I'm very pleased with my purchase.
Air Bud
Air Bud
Moviegoers and more than a few critics found much to enjoy in this Disney film about a lost dog named Buddy. The canine is befriended by a lonely boy and proceeds to become the star of the kid's junior high school basketball team. Demonstrating an abundance of on- and off-court agility, Buddy can dribble like a pro (no, not the wet kind of dribble), and he never misses a shot. Michael Jeter plays Buddy's original owner who returns to get his dog back (don't worry, he's an unworthy weasel), and director Charles Martin Smith brings a refreshing flair to the climactic basketball scenes. Air Bud was a modest hit for Disney, and the film's entertaining vitality gets a touch of poignancy from the fact that Lucky, the canine actor in the title role, died of cancer not long after the film was released. --Jeff Shannon
Customer Review: Movie for all ages
Air BudIf you don't care for all the violent movies out there now, this is a great movie for the whole family, Air Bud World Pup is another good one. Really enjoyed watching this and I am a senior citizen.
Customer Review: Wonderful Story
As a Mother of 3 little ones back when this movie came out, it was a MUST for my granddaughter. It tells a very touching story in a very entertaining way. The message is subtle to a child but very intense for an adult. I highly recommend this movie! Highly!
Disney Princess - Party Supplies - Treat Sacks
Disney Princess - Party Supplies - Treat Sacks
Provide party guests with fun goodies in their personalized Disney Princess treat sacks. These sacks provide a convenient place to write each child's name so you can make sure every princess gets a gift bag. Be sure to check out Ty's Toy Box's selection of matching themed party favors, sold separately. Package includes 8 treat sacks.
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Mon, 14 Apr 2008 16:02:17 GMT
San Diego Software Industry Council (SDSIC) Renews Relationship ... Business Wire (press release), CA - ... Inc., an award-winning public relations and marketing firm, announced its renewed relationship with the San Diego Software Industry Council (SDSIC) to ... |
Finding The Right Real Estate Classifieds Software
Mon, 14 Apr 2008 03:52:19 -0700
Finding The Right Real Estate Classifieds Software POST BY : John Skotzskii | Property for sale, or some another constituent actual realty is no longer a matter of the papers If you are hunting to acquire or delude a property, the cyberspace will not exclusive satisfy their marketing needs, but in actuality crapper be a locate of pick to stake into Buyers and sellers alike are meeting online to foregather their actual realty needs It is not the exclusive pick for intelligent inheritances
Four GTA businesses nabbed in anti-piracy software sting - National Post
Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:44:40 -0700
Four GTA businesses nabbed in anti-piracy software sting - National Post April 14th, 2008 Four GTA businesses nabbed in anti-piracy software stingNational Post, Canada - 1 hour agoYou can try to run illegal software, but according to the Business Software Alliance, you can't hide. The BSA announced that four GTA-based companies have … Tags: bgroveruwsp-edu, course-information, key, learning, microsoft, piracy, software, software-ethics, software-laws, software-pirates, university, wisconsin
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