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A marketing information Artilce for Your Viewing
How to Earn $60,000+ a Year with Permission Email Marketing
To be frank, $60,000 a year with permission email marketing is conservative. Had you been part of this program 3 months ago you could have made $23,750 in just two weeks. I'll show you how below.
Permission email marketing is the most powerful and profitable way to create a consistent source of income on the internet.
Amazon uses it. Microsoft uses it. Sharper Image and Motorola use it. Even IBM and The Wall Street Journal are using it!
Anyone can follow my simple PE strategy from beginning to end in one sitting and begin earning money with permission email marketing. It is the same strategy online marketing guru's are using to rake in tens of thousands of dollars within a few short weeks.
This isn't a pie in the sky promise. It's a fact. If you're willing to be patience and make a sincere effort, you will be pleasantly surprised at what you can do!
Ready? Ok, let's begin...
Generally speaking, permission email marketing is email marketing which utilizes an opt-in list of names and email addresses of people who have requested information from you.
(An "opt-in" is a prospect who has requested free information or signed up for a free service you provide.)
Marketers use their opt-in email list to create an ongoing and consistent source of high income by first CULTIVATING the list.
CULTIVATING the opt-in email list establishes an ongoing relationship with your subscribers because you will be sending, via email, highly desirable and FREE information.
The information you offer will teach the subscriber something of value. You, the marketer, will make money when you occasionally endorse a new product to the list.
Over time the people on the opt-in email list become familiar with you and grow to trust you.
Having built such trust, when the time comes for you to endorse a product to the list, you can reasonably expect to produce anywhere from 10% to 40% in sales.
The more times you have communicated with your subscribers and the more value the information received offers, the greater expectation there is of a higher percentage of sales.
Remember this one simple FACT and you will not fail to earn a remarkable income as a permission email marketer:
**People are 1000% more likely to buy based on the recommendation of someone they TRUST than from a complete stranger**
Let me give you an EXAMPLE of the power of a well done "Permission Email Marketing" campaign and the profits that can result from such an effort.
In 1999, Mark Provo of Provo & Gladwell Associates developed a hot new software product. The associates hired a web developer to create a web site and place it prominently on the major search engines. However, only a few orders trickled in each week. To speed things up they spammed 1,000,000 random email addresses.
The emailing produced less than $100 in sales and generated a landslide of not-so-nice responses.
It was a dreadful disappointment.
However, on another occasion Mark emailed the same ad to his own in-house, opt-in email list of 8,000 people. These were people who had purchased products from him before or who had, at one time or another, requested more information about other products and services.
Mark had an established relationship with the people on his list. Over time he had CULTIVATED his list by sending out free tips and valuable information. Those on his opt-in list benefited from these emailings and learned to trust him and the advice he gave.
The end result of emailing his ad to his in-house, opt-in list was a whopping $190,000 in sales and zero complaints -- all within three weeks! People on his personally cultivated, opt-in email list trusted him and in no time at all, he made a small fortune and he continues to do so to this day.
As for yourself, consider this:
If you had a high-demand product, your own in-house list of 1,000 opt-in email subscribers, and sent the same email ad, you could very well have made $23,750 in just three weeks.
And just think about it for the long term! If you have your own opt-in email list of 1,000 subscribers, and only 20% of the people make $300 in purchases per year, your income would be $60,000.
If your opt-in email list had 2,000 subscribers and 20% purchased $300 in products per year, your income would skyrocket to $120,000 annually!
Get the picture?
Next, you'll need to build TRUST with those on your email list by offering them FREE information of real value.
Finally, endorse products of equally real value and you could kiss your money worries good-bye tonight.
AS YOU CONTINUE READING, you will learn how to acquire pre-cultivated, opt-in email list, a free, pre-written newsletter you can use to send to your opt-in email list to continue building TRUST.
Plus you will learn where to get free products with high value... all for FREE! Additionally, you will learn to work only 30 minutes a week and be in a position to earn $60,000 a year or more.
However, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I want to be thorough and explain to you an important detail you must understand about CULTIVATION before attempting this strategy.
As I mentioned above, when you gain your subscribers' TRUST, they will buy from you over and over again. What's more, they will buy from you even if your price is higher than any of your competitors.
The best way to build trust is simply to Stay In Touch with your subscribers. Trust is gained by consistently CULTIVATING them. In advertising circles this is called REACH and FREQUENCY.
For example, if you hear a song played over and over again on the radio (Reach) enough times (Frequency), sooner or later you're going to wind up whistling that tune while at work and getting so caught up in it, that you will go out and purchase the tape or CD, and, this action being repeated by thousands of others, the artist will have a hit.
The radio allowed the recording artist to REACH you; the number of times the disc jockey played the song created the FREQUENCY.
As a permission email marketer, you can REACH your opt-in email list audience for free, as FREQUENTLY as you wish, simply by broadcasting an email with desirable information to them once or twice a week.
Quiz #1: What do you get when your subscribers hear from you consistently?
Quiz #2: What do you get when your subscribers TRUST you? Ans: ...SALES! SALES! ...and more SALES!
Let me give you a real world example of how I used Reach and Frequency to earn a substantial income as a Permission Email Marketer starting with only 48 people on my email list.
I emailed a newsletter twice a week loaded with useful tips and valuable information. This is how I CULTIVATED the list to gain recognition and TRUST.
These 48 individuals purchased virtually EVERY new product I offered them...
I made, on average, 2 offers per month and usually earned around $30 per sale on these offers.
48 people X $30 = $1440 per mailing X 2 mailings per month = $2880 a month just from a list of 48 people.
That's over $34,560 in a year's time.
So what have we learned so far...
STOP STRUGGLING to sell products to strangers on the internet.
BUILD A RELATIONSHIP with an opt-in email list by offering subscribers something of real value--free of charge.
OFFER DESIRABLE PRODUCTS to your subscribers and kiss your day job good-bye.
By completing the steps outlined below you'll be on your way to quickly becoming a professional, email marketer and a full-time, online income will be well within your reach.
A cultivated opt-in list is your key to earning an income as a professional, permission email marketer. Building your own opt-in, email list can take months or even years and cost you literally thousands of well spent dollars.
However, through the wonders of modern technology, I will introduce you to an amazing short-cut that will make acquiring your own Pre-Cultivated, opt-in email list an overnight process.
Additionally, you'll get FREE ACCESS to my Professionally, Pre-written Newsletter to continue the ongoing cultivation of your opt-in email list. PLUS- free access to high-demand products.
I will show you how to broadcast the newsletter once or twice a week. You will learn how to endorse one or more of the high-end products inside the newsletter.
The pre-cultivated, opt-in email list, the pre-written Newsletter and high-end products are designed to create an EASY SELL.
As noted above, if only 20% of the people on a 1,000 subscriber, opt-in email list make $300 worth of purchases in a year, your income could be $60,000, or $5,000 per month.
If you have 2,000 subscribers on your list you'd be looking at $120,000 per year...4,000 subscribers could mean as much as $240,000 annually!
Your first goal as a professional, "Permission Email Marketer" must be to build your opt-in email lists to 1,000 subscribers. Acquiring 1,000 subscribers MUST be your driving objective if you truly desire to make real money on the internet.
I am well aware this email will get passed around to friends and relatives. I am Very Serious about letting only 50 people into this program. Shortly you will see why.
So be advised: You will have only yourself to blame if you are locked out after my initial 50 member quota is reached.
Below you will find a very special URL. By clicking on the Link you will be whisked away to my private web site where you will see...
**How To Get A 1,000 to 3,000+ Opt-In, opt-in email list virtually overnight.
**How To Get My Free, Pre-written, Tips Newsletter, along with free software and instructions on how to broadcast the Newsletter to continue CULTIVATING your subscribers' TRUST.
**How to get high-demand, free products to endorse to your opt-in email list.
**PLUS learn exactly how to put it all together and begin earning money...!
Click The Link Below And Get Started Tonight:
All My Best
Jodi Hans-McMillan
10 things you must do to avoid losing customers.
by P J Chandler
How welcoming is your web site - and how easy is it for potential customers to buy from you?
Some otherwise professional-looking sites put unnecessary
obstacles in the way of their users - they may as well put up a
sign saying "Don't Buy From This Site". Is yours one of them?
Here is a checklist of 10 things you can do to maximize sales
from your site:
1. Keep it focused - don't try to be all things to all surfers. Specialisation is king in a global marketplace: aim to be the
best in your particular field.
2. Keep it simple - make sure your navigation system is easy to
use. No page on your site should me more that two clicks away
from your home page.
3. Use plain language - net jargon has its place, but do not use
it on non-technical sites. The same goes for unexplained
4. Don't exclude people - if your offer is only available in a
defined geographical area, say so clearly and up front before
people start filling in forms. A prime offender is holiday
offers that turn out only to apply to US residents.
5. Only request relevant information - customers will be put off
if they have to complete overly-detailed forms before getting
the information they need.
6. Deploy a site search facility on big sites - make it easy for
people to find what they want.
7. Include offline contact information - some customers may want
to telephone for specific information and a real world postal
address is reassuring to buyers.
8. Use testimonials - they reassure buyers and show evidence of
your product quality.
9. Give something away - free ebooks are becoming a popular way
to communicate with customers. Take a look at the example below
and see how this could work for you.
10. Keep graphics to a minimum - bloated image files can extend download times beyond surfers' patience threshold - according to
a recent survey about 30 seconds.
Take a look at your site afresh: pretend you have never seen it
before and see what simple steps you can take to improve your customers' online experience. You will undoubtedly reap rewards
in the form of increased profits.
(((((((((((c)P J Chandler)))))))))))))))
Phil Chandler writes about marketing and other business topics.
His web site is at http://www.domainomania.com
His free ebook - "How To Start a Highly Profitable Internet Publishing Business Using Free and Low-Cost Software" -
can be read at http://www.domainomania.com/publish/
Writer, marketeer and webmaster.
A synopsis on marketing information .
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marketing information Items For Viewing
Pooh Fun Dessert Plates
Pooh Fun Dessert Plates
Pooh Fun Dessert Plates are 6 3/4" and come with 8 to a pack. There are 3 designs in each pack.
This cap is great. All our items are of high quality. This cap is a perfect gift.
Londons Times Funny Music Cartoons - Website Designer Marketing Wares - Caps
Londons Times Funny Music Cartoons - Website Designer Marketing Wares - Caps
Website Designer Marketing Wares Cap is new commercial quality high resolution heat transfer product. Hat is perfect for any active lifestyle. It's made from preshrunk 100% cotton twill and has a self-fabric overlapping Velcro closure.
Tru-Fit Neoprene Multi-Purpose Wrap with Reusable Ice/Heat Pack
Tru-Fit Neoprene Multi-Purpose Wrap with Reusable Ice/Heat Pack
Tru-Fit's Multi-Purpose Wrap with Gel Pack is designed to aid athletes with hands-free treatment of injuries.
Customer Review: Tru-Fit Neoprene Multi-Purpose Wrap
Difficult for self application to elbow. Would benefit from an addition strap attached to end of cuff to assist securing. Otherwise good product.
Customer Review: User friendly
very convenient if you want to walk around. Product arrived in good time. I just wish the gel inserts were thicker and the corners rounded, since they tend to scratch the skin whenever the corners end up sticking out of the netting.
PDF Transformer is your full solution for PDF conversion. This powerful, easy-to-use PDF utility transforms any PDF files into editable formats without retyping and reformatting. With a click of a button, you can convert any PDF file into Microsoft Word, Excel, HTML, or TXT format. Work with document content more easily than ever! Supports password-protected PDFs
Customer Review: Excellent product!
Not only does this product convert PC-generated PDFs to other formats, but it also converts SCANNED PDF files. This is an invaluable tool ... it has saved me a ton of re-typing time!
Customer Review: Worked poorly for me
It is hard to think of this product as anything other than a rip-off. I tried it on two scanned in documents. In both cases, it simply retained the pages as images, and presented the page images as graphic images, in both word and html output. This, of course, did not render them editable, searchable, or anything of the sort.
This product is supposed to have OCR built in. It simply didn't activate the OCR on what was clearly text (albeit scanned), and processed each page as if it were a picture.
I was running the product on NT 4.0. The product give virtually no feedback or control as to what it is doing, or how it is analyzing pages, so if it choses to treat scanned text as a "picture," you are simply out of luck.
I also tried the product on some non-scanned PDFs. It did okay, but the conversion to HTML was quirky, with the text being okay, but with "ruler lines" being poorly placed, often on top of the text.
Maybe version two is better, but it also costs twice as much.
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