Of all the articles that I have written, I consider this article of online marketing business to be my best article. Hope you feel the same too.
A online marketing business Artilce for Your Viewing
Working With A Creative Marketing Firm.
With competitive shopping you simply request a few bids and go with the lowest price. Although the right person for the job might also happen to be the lowest bidder, it's unwise to shop for price alone when your image is at stake. Consider the comparative shopping alternative: search for the firm that can best meet your needs within the limits of your budget. Choosing the right firm for the job is just as important as the decisions you'll make during the course of developing your marketing materials. Take the time compare. Find your perfect match. You'll be glad you did.
Your Strategic Partner. Your marketing firm should not be perceived as an added strain on your budget. Instead, they should play an integral role in allocating resources. They should strive to develop an informed point of view not only of your company and it's products, but of your competition as well. This knowledge will serve as a foundation for developing more effective marketing strategies. Their relationship with you should be structured around business success, not the less-tangible realm of design. Design is a problem-solving discipline not an art. When you stop and think about it, you will probably realize that you're not much interested in design at all. You need growth or profits, or both.
Taking Charge. It is very possible that you have only the most superficial knowledge of what a marketing firm really does. You might expect them to tell you how they work, the process, the schedule and when and what will be required of you. You might also expect them to keep you informed of all progress, and provide options and alternatives when appropriate. Any respectable firm will openly welcome this responsibility. It is how they keep things moving efficiently and how they ensure outstanding and consistent results. Every executive wants to relax, believing their business is in capable hands. A good marketing firm should give you this confidence. Through their performance and reliability, you'll come to trust their judgement, their work, and yes, even their fees.
Your Role. As the client, you are the decision maker. You must make solid business decisions and then step back. Tough to swallow? Just consider that micro-managing projects can create a negative and counterproductive work environment and will almost always compromise the integrity of the finished marketing piece.
Partnering With Your Staff. Being efficient and competitive in today's economy requires the utilization of the most sophisticated resources while maintaining a high degree of flexibility. To accomplish this in the most cost-effective way, you must employ a core staff of managers, and supplement them with trusted outside specialists. This way, it is possible to implement the best possible talent at minimal costs. Specifically, when it comes to creative services, it's nearly impossible for any company to employ enough talented individuals to handle it's many different communications needs internally. Using well-meaning but unqualified internal staff can be very expensive in the long run in lost efficiency and in market impact. Because effectiveness is critically important, your marketing firm, when implemented as your strategic partner, is always the least expensive and most productive alternative.
Laying The Foundation. The first thing that should be done by any marketing firm after being assigned a project is to schedule an information-gathering session with you and your key staff. This should cover not only scheduling, budget and job specifications, but also in your competition, target audience, and objectives. You should have all the features and benefits of your product or service prepared for review. This will help sharpen everyone's focus and objectives, and in turn, ensure that what is produced is not only creatively excellent, but strategically targeted. This meeting normally takes place either at your office or theirs. However, in today's wired world it is completely reasonable to expect a conference call and a few emails to do the trick quite nicely.
The Right Ideas. It has been proven best for everyone if you assign only one or two key decision makers at your company to work directly with your marketing firm. This way everyone stays focused on real solutions and are not distracted by too many personal opinions. Good firms normally present no more than three initial concepts showing completely different approaches to the project at hand. Many clients ask for five, six, seven or even more concepts, but offering too many solutions up front only complicates things and almost always results in a poorly developed marketing piece.
Redefining Creativity. When you discuss creativity, you often define it in terms of talent, originality, fashion, trends and praise by creative peers and opinion leaders. For the sake of the bottom-line however, you must think differently. We need to understand that creativity must be redefined as an original way to sell a product or communicate an idea. When the focus is on typefaces and colors, poor marketing projects are produced. When the focus is on defining and conveying a message, great marketing projects are produced.
Your Budget. All companies, all industries, all products have different marketing needs and different methods of determining budgets. Introduction of a new company or product requires heavy spending based on anticipated results, while an established business might implement an annual marketing budget based on previous year's sales. There is no standard formula for determining your ideal budget, but with a little research, your marketing firm should be able to help you establish a solid baseline to start planning.
The Plan. The first step in developing a successful marketing plan is to determine who you are and what makes you special. You must fill a need or people will have no use for your offerings, right? Consider where you want to be and how best to get there. Decide what it is that sets you apart and how this will benefit the consumer. A thorough understanding of yourself, your prospects, and your competition will help you determine and achieve your goals.
The Focus. Although you may offer a variety of benefits that would appeal to many consumers, there is usually one single selling point which will win or lose your best market. Determine that one very special selling point and you will have established a focus which will set the standards for your competition to aspire to. When planning your communications, your message must be clear and specific to your objectives. If the message cannot be distilled down to one or two sentences, you are saying too much.
The Schedule. Despite popular misconceptions, good creative work doesn't always come in a flash of inspiration. It usually comes from much trial and error. This is why you need to take the time to consider several approaches, work them through, and revise them. In addition, you should address budgeting, printing, mail handling, scheduling, and other issues relevant to the success of the project, at the beginning of the project. All this, plus the need to perform in a businesslike fashion, means that your promptness in providing materials and making approvals is crucial if you are to meet deadlines.
Success. How do you measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts? An immediate increase in sales? Improved image? Breaking into a new market? Ideally each piece would generate more sales, improve your overall image and get you a big chunk of new customers. Yes, on occasion, a single marketing project can produce remarkable success. But, marketing should be viewed as a cumulative effort growing stronger with each project. Set your sights on building long-term success one project at a time.
Keeping It Intact. You've mapped out a solid plan. You've developed a great concept. You've created outstanding visuals. You're brave new approach to marketing is going great. So, why not just throw in a few "support' projects? Because you are always judged by your poorest effort, that's why. When it comes to marketing success, it isn't enough to simply complete each project and then move on. You must look at the big picture every single item that sports your logo must fully support your corporate identity, and every single item related to a particular project must fully support that project and it's message. And, ultimately, every aspect of your business will either build your brand or make it crumble.
It's A Crazy Business. A few additional tips on how you can help minimize obstacles, delays, and unnecessary costs.
1. Provide directional comments there is no need to write copy or re-design layouts that is why you hire your marketing firm.
2. Review all copy/layout(s) to ensure work is strategically on-target and that your facts and figures are accurately represented.
3. Provide your materials, comments, and approvals on time.
4. Making all revisions at once will save time and money, and avert errors which occur when information is submitted piecemeal rather than in an organized and controlled manner.
5. Avoid surprises and you will help avoid dilemmas.
Your Strategic Partner. Your marketing firm should not be perceived as an added strain on your budget. Instead, they should play an integral role in allocating resources. They should strive to develop an informed point of view not only of your company and it's products, but of your competition as well. This knowledge will serve as a foundation for developing more effective marketing strategies. Their relationship with you should be structured around business success, not the less-tangible realm of design. Design is a problem-solving discipline not an art. When you stop and think about it, you will probably realize that you're not much interested in design at all. You need growth or profits, or both.
Taking Charge. It is very possible that you have only the most superficial knowledge of what a marketing firm really does. You might expect them to tell you how they work, the process, the schedule and when and what will be required of you. You might also expect them to keep you informed of all progress, and provide options and alternatives when appropriate. Any respectable firm will openly welcome this responsibility. It is how they keep things moving efficiently and how they ensure outstanding and consistent results. Every executive wants to relax, believing their business is in capable hands. A good marketing firm should give you this confidence. Through their performance and reliability, you'll come to trust their judgement, their work, and yes, even their fees.
Your Role. As the client, you are the decision maker. You must make solid business decisions and then step back. Tough to swallow? Just consider that micro-managing projects can create a negative and counterproductive work environment and will almost always compromise the integrity of the finished marketing piece.
Partnering With Your Staff. Being efficient and competitive in today's economy requires the utilization of the most sophisticated resources while maintaining a high degree of flexibility. To accomplish this in the most cost-effective way, you must employ a core staff of managers, and supplement them with trusted outside specialists. This way, it is possible to implement the best possible talent at minimal costs. Specifically, when it comes to creative services, it's nearly impossible for any company to employ enough talented individuals to handle it's many different communications needs internally. Using well-meaning but unqualified internal staff can be very expensive in the long run in lost efficiency and in market impact. Because effectiveness is critically important, your marketing firm, when implemented as your strategic partner, is always the least expensive and most productive alternative.
Laying The Foundation. The first thing that should be done by any marketing firm after being assigned a project is to schedule an information-gathering session with you and your key staff. This should cover not only scheduling, budget and job specifications, but also in your competition, target audience, and objectives. You should have all the features and benefits of your product or service prepared for review. This will help sharpen everyone's focus and objectives, and in turn, ensure that what is produced is not only creatively excellent, but strategically targeted. This meeting normally takes place either at your office or theirs. However, in today's wired world it is completely reasonable to expect a conference call and a few emails to do the trick quite nicely.
The Right Ideas. It has been proven best for everyone if you assign only one or two key decision makers at your company to work directly with your marketing firm. This way everyone stays focused on real solutions and are not distracted by too many personal opinions. Good firms normally present no more than three initial concepts showing completely different approaches to the project at hand. Many clients ask for five, six, seven or even more concepts, but offering too many solutions up front only complicates things and almost always results in a poorly developed marketing piece.
Redefining Creativity. When you discuss creativity, you often define it in terms of talent, originality, fashion, trends and praise by creative peers and opinion leaders. For the sake of the bottom-line however, you must think differently. We need to understand that creativity must be redefined as an original way to sell a product or communicate an idea. When the focus is on typefaces and colors, poor marketing projects are produced. When the focus is on defining and conveying a message, great marketing projects are produced.
Your Budget. All companies, all industries, all products have different marketing needs and different methods of determining budgets. Introduction of a new company or product requires heavy spending based on anticipated results, while an established business might implement an annual marketing budget based on previous year's sales. There is no standard formula for determining your ideal budget, but with a little research, your marketing firm should be able to help you establish a solid baseline to start planning.
The Plan. The first step in developing a successful marketing plan is to determine who you are and what makes you special. You must fill a need or people will have no use for your offerings, right? Consider where you want to be and how best to get there. Decide what it is that sets you apart and how this will benefit the consumer. A thorough understanding of yourself, your prospects, and your competition will help you determine and achieve your goals.
The Focus. Although you may offer a variety of benefits that would appeal to many consumers, there is usually one single selling point which will win or lose your best market. Determine that one very special selling point and you will have established a focus which will set the standards for your competition to aspire to. When planning your communications, your message must be clear and specific to your objectives. If the message cannot be distilled down to one or two sentences, you are saying too much.
The Schedule. Despite popular misconceptions, good creative work doesn't always come in a flash of inspiration. It usually comes from much trial and error. This is why you need to take the time to consider several approaches, work them through, and revise them. In addition, you should address budgeting, printing, mail handling, scheduling, and other issues relevant to the success of the project, at the beginning of the project. All this, plus the need to perform in a businesslike fashion, means that your promptness in providing materials and making approvals is crucial if you are to meet deadlines.
Success. How do you measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts? An immediate increase in sales? Improved image? Breaking into a new market? Ideally each piece would generate more sales, improve your overall image and get you a big chunk of new customers. Yes, on occasion, a single marketing project can produce remarkable success. But, marketing should be viewed as a cumulative effort growing stronger with each project. Set your sights on building long-term success one project at a time.
Keeping It Intact. You've mapped out a solid plan. You've developed a great concept. You've created outstanding visuals. You're brave new approach to marketing is going great. So, why not just throw in a few "support' projects? Because you are always judged by your poorest effort, that's why. When it comes to marketing success, it isn't enough to simply complete each project and then move on. You must look at the big picture every single item that sports your logo must fully support your corporate identity, and every single item related to a particular project must fully support that project and it's message. And, ultimately, every aspect of your business will either build your brand or make it crumble.
It's A Crazy Business. A few additional tips on how you can help minimize obstacles, delays, and unnecessary costs.
1. Provide directional comments there is no need to write copy or re-design layouts that is why you hire your marketing firm.
2. Review all copy/layout(s) to ensure work is strategically on-target and that your facts and figures are accurately represented.
3. Provide your materials, comments, and approvals on time.
4. Making all revisions at once will save time and money, and avert errors which occur when information is submitted piecemeal rather than in an organized and controlled manner.
5. Avoid surprises and you will help avoid dilemmas.
A synopsis on online marketing business .
Bradley Eastern King Size Metal Headboard

A combination of wood and iron that make this style a classic "Lodge" design theme. Elegant round posts are married to a stylish black metal grill. Fully-welded construction featuring foundry-poured aluminum castings, heavy gauge tubing, and solid bar wire. Wood post made from solid pine.
Textured Black and Medium Oak
Price: 207.10
8 Inch Letter "X" - Pink - KidKraft Furniture - 99724

Features: Hole in back of letter to hang on wall Can stand on their own for shelf or dresser display Made of wood All capital letters Material: MDF Individually clamshell packaged Finish:
Price: 7.65
8 Inch Letter "K" - Sky Blue - KidKraft Furniture - 99811

Features: Hole in back of letter to hang on wall Can stand on their own for shelf or dresser display Made of wood All capital letters Material: MDF Individually clamshell packaged Finish:
Sky Blue
Price: 7.65
CLOSEOUT SPECIAL! - King Size Sleigh Bed - Wynwood Furniture - 1390-977

1390-977 Features: Leather inserts with nail trim Solid wood carvings Rope twist mouldings Finish:
Chatsworth Cherry
85.5"(W) x 109"(D) x 61.75"(H)
Price: 1439.10
King Size Bed - Crestview King Size Metal Bed - Powell Furniture

Vintage Brass
Price: 552.95
online marketing business Products we recommend
Logitech Lap Attachment for Force Feedback Wheels
Logitech Lap Attachment for Force Feedback Wheels
If you're looking for better control and a comfortable fit in your lap when using your Logitech Driving Force Pro wheel, you've got it. The Lap Attachment connects to your wheel to provide a stable driving experience.
Customer Review: Logitech lap attachment
Poor design!! The bottom of the unit where it connects to the steering wheel has uneven hard plastic pieces that irritate the thighs after using the system for a while. You also must stabilize the unit by holding your thighs together as opposed to other manufacturers that drape over your lap. I guess in a way you can get some "thigh master" exercises at the same time your playing a game.
Customer Review: Good exersize machine.
I can't squeeze my legs together for a whole race without feeling like Susan Summers. If you're looking for an exercise machine this is a good choice. But, (here comes a plug), if you want a stand that works then look for mine on eBay (racing wheel LapStand).
PlayStation 2 Cordless Action Controller
PlayStation 2 Cordless Action Controller
The Logitech Cordless Action Controller for Playstation 2 lets you stop tripping over your game wires. It's got the control you need for better gaming, combined with incredible wireless freedom. Play your favorite games up to 30 feet away! Requires 2 AA batteries
The feel, size, weight, balance are all excellent on this controller. The joysticks have a non-slip coating that is excellent. I will return this device because of one reason, the tenth of a second delay on the buttons. It is just enough to make action games like "Black" twice as difficult to play. It is a real shame because everything else about this device is fantastic. One more small complaint, the pictures here show the buttons on the right are color coded to match original controler, mine were not. They are marked with circle, square, triangle and X, but all in black and white. The really sad news is that I have not found any other wireless that is any better.
Customer Review: This is the controller you want. Period.
It all started when my buddy Dave and I were trying to rock some Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, using his old, busted Nyko wireless controllers. Cries of "Oh come on. I was blocking! Look. Look at it, I got the stupid button held down. I never took my finger off it!", "Why is my guy moving, I'm not even pressing anything!", and "Why does this clown keep jumpi.... yeap, and the controller's dead. Look. I keep hitting buttons, and there's noth... oh wait. There it goes." filled the room.
So the quest to obtain wireless controllers that were actually decent was born. I checked Amazon, and these had the highest rating, so I decided to go out on a whim, and drop 60 dollars plus for two PS2 controllers. 30 dollars each is a ludicrous amount of money to spend on controllers for a system that's pretty much obsolete, but you know what? Worth every penny. Every. Single. Penny.
They feel great, they're responsive, they have a nice weight to them, and best of all? They work. They never go on the fritz, there's zero lag between button presses and game action, the batteries last a long time, and they never lose connection.
I've read a few negative reviews on these. Yeah, the manual that comes with them is not the greatest. (If you even want to call it a manual.) It's a folded piece of multilingual instruction sheet crammed inside the cardboard of the blister pack, but it's not exactly quantum physics to figure out. You plug the end that looks like it goes into the PS2 into the PS2, and you mash the buttons on your controller with your thumbs while you deliver repeated beatings to your buddy Dave with zero lag, and zero headaches. That's it. No manual required, really.
The only thing that I would call a downside with these controllers, is the fact that the controllers and the receivers appear to have a unique radio ID.
I have two of these controllers myself. (Yeah, me and Dave liked em so much, I bought two for myself.) You have them both plugged into the deck at the same time. They're not like regular cordless units where whatever controller you hit first is player one. Whatever controller Player 1 was on when you plugged them both in, will be player 1 indefinitely. Not a problem, right? I agree, it's not a problem, per se. But you have two controllers that look exactly the same. You grab one, sit your behind down on the couch, grab your tasty beverage, and prepare to unleash a most furious beatdown upon Stryker, with all his throw-happy computer controlled cheating, only to realize you've got "Player 2". Can't switch em, can't do anything. You physically have to go dig the other controller out of the couch cushions, because unless you've got someone else with you, the controller in your hand is doing absolutely nothing.
That minor setback aside, go get these things. They're the best PS2 controller ever. Period. You want these. Ignore all other controllers. I've tried em, they're garbage. This is where it's at.
NFL Super Bowl Collection - Green Bay Packers
NFL Super Bowl Collection - Green Bay Packers
They call it Title Town for a reason - Relive the most stirring Super Bowl moments from Green Bay's trifecta of title triumphs. Watch coaching icon Vince Lombardi lead the Packers to victory in Super Bowls I & II. Enjoy the resurgence after 29 years of frustration, as Brett Favre masterfully returns Green Bay to victory in Super Bowl XXXI. This spectacular DVD features hours of Super Bowl game footage, season highlights, interviews and commentary. Reference ID:TC01-DVD-0911
Customer Review: Love the Pack!
Bought this last week. I am from Boston so don't always get the Packer games on TV. This is a great DVD if you are a hard core packer fan....just wish it had some more uninterrupted game film on it....
Customer Review: Green Bay Packers - Super Bowl Collection
This DVD collection of the Green Bay Packers Super Bowl Highlights and such was a gift for my avid "Brett Farve and Green Bay Packers" fan brother. He is totally up for anything Green Bay or Farve and he said this DVD only confirmed the Packers winning Superbowl in 2008!! Thanks for the great products and the shipping and handling of my purchases were excellent and I look forward to doing more business with this company in the future!!
Palm TX Handheld
Palm TX Handheld
Created for today's fast-paced mobile landscape, the sleekly lightweight Palm TX handheld keeps you connected to your most important data--from email to files stored on your office PC--while you're away from your desktop with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless connectivity. It also features a high-resolution 320 x 480-pixel screen (with portrait and landscape orientation modes), a fast Intel 312 MHz ARM-based processor, expansion slot for Secure Digital (SD), MultiMedia (MMC), and Secure Digital I/O (SDIO) cards. The 128 MB of non-volatile flash memory (of which approximately 100 MB is available for files and software) protects your documents and information, even if the device is not charged and the power runs down. And, of course, the Palm TX features Palm's suite of information management applications, the ability to edit Word- and Excel-compatible files, and synchronization with Microsoft Outlook (Windows only).
Built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Wireless Connectivity
Stay connected easily when you're on the go with the built-in Wi-Fi wireless connectivity (802.11b), which enables you to access email and browse the Web at hotspots such as at coffee shops and in airports, or in your office if you have a wireless LAN network. You can even retrieve documents from your main computer with the included WiFile LT software. The Palm TX also comes the following enhancements:
- Added ability for the device to scan for available networks
- Improved connection logic to automatically connect to available compatible networks
- Three steps to easily set up a new network connection
- A free 30-day subscription to all T-Mobile Wi-Fi hotspots
For mobile professionals, the Palm TX provides all the conveniences of managing email on the road. With Wi-Fi access or Bluetooth technology, you can check corporate or campus email as well as personal accounts; download, read and edit a Word or Excel report on the fly; synchronize Outlook contacts, calendar, tasks and memos; and work with Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, using VersaMail software, to synchronize email and calendar
Expansion Capabilities
The expansion card slot for MMC, SD and SDIO formats lets you insert a memory card from a digital camera and view photos on the large, color display; you can even can add transitions between photos and present them as a slideshow. The Palm TX handheld's compatibility with SD Cards up to 2GB lets road warriors carry a few favorite home videos and be entertained on long trips.
Support for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF files
With the included DataViz Documents To Go software, you rehearse your PowerPoint presentation discreetly in an airport, make last-minute changes to a Word document, and check the numbers in an Excel spreadsheet and update them on the spot. The Palm TX comes with support for native Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. And with the included Adobe Reader for Palm OS, you can download and view converted Acrobat files.
The Palm TX comes bundled with Pocket Tunes MP3 player for playing music files or Podcasts, which allows you to create and edit play lists, shuffle songs and navigate by album, artist or genre. The Palm TX also includes built-in software for viewing digital photos and video clips. And with MobiTV software (sold separately), you can view a wide range of television programs, including news, sports and entertainment, directly on the Palm TX handheld.
Operating System and Software
Veteran Palm OS handheld users will immediately notice the new Favorites view, which provides easy access to applications, files, and folders. The installed Palm OS 5.4 also introduces the Files application, which enables easy navigation among folders and files. It uses the intuitive and easy-to-learn Graffiti 2 writing software to input data into the handheld (as well as an on-screen keyboard). Windows users can synchronize their calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes with Microsoft Outlook. The Palm OS features the following organizer applications:
- Contacts: Lets you store several addresses for each contact, and with new fields for more phone numbers, multiple e-mail addresses, instant messenger IDs, and Web sites.
- Calendar: Use the new Agenda view to see upcoming calendar events, tasks due, and important e-mail, and color-code your events to provide an easy way to reference your calendar in the Agenda, Day, Week, and Month views. Take more notes, or synchronize more details from your desktop, in the larger Memos and Notes fields.
- Tasks: Use tasks with alarms and repeating tasks to set reminders for important commients.
The Palm TX is compatible with PCs running Windows Windows 2000 (SP4) and XP (Outlook synchronization requires MS Outlook 2000, 2002, or 2003; sold separately), and with Macs running Mac OS 10.2.8 to 10.4.
What's in the Box
Palm TX handheld, flip cover, USB sync cable, power adapter, 3-step setup poster, Graffiti 2 sticker, Software Install CD-ROM with Palm Desktop, Tutorial, Getting Started Guide, User Guide, and bonus software.
Customer Review: Good Features, Poor Screen Calibration
I bought this as an upgrade from my Tungsten T3 that I had finally given up on due to an issue with the screen loosing it's calibration. The TX model's wifi worked beautifully with my home network (Linksys WT54G) wireless router. The screen was very bright, battery life was average for a Palm device. I purchased a keyboard to go along with this device. I was aiming to reduce the need for a desktop PC and the weight of a laptop as most of my computing is done online and within MS Office applications.
The keyboard and the TX's communication was touch and go at best. I gave up and the keyboard sits in my night stand drawer.
The the screen calibration started to get funky. I removed the screen protector, cleaned under the bevel of the casing as suggested by many internet sites and still no resolution. Other then the screen calibration (which has become unbearable @ 2x or more daily) the device is wonderful.
The speaker on the back is a horrible design IMO.
I've decided to shop for a Pocket PC based PDA and sell this device on auction to recoup some of the cost of the next purchase I make. Research the screen calibration issue online before purchasing this device. If you are Palm loyal, then moving to Windows Mobile may be a difficult decision, but if this is your first PDA, consider a windows mobile device. Granted they crash more often than a Palm ever will, but at least you are used to that with your desktop. A mis-calibrated screen will render this device unusable.
Customer Review: Gotta Love this thing. Couldn't manage without it
I used a a few different Clie (the Sony version of PALM) and always really liked them.
But the PALM T|X I think is better.
Of course, the use of calender and address book is intuitive and the
WI-FI works great (which I found out during my break on Jury Duty (yeah! they have WI-FI in court here now!)
I love looking for new (and usually free) applications to play around with (Tip Calculator, Unit Conversion, Knot Tying displays). My favorite game is Bike or Die. It is great to relieve boredom and not an easy game.
I also find no end to creative uses. I'm a photographer and sometimes shoot archival photos for theater. So, I film the show, vidcap images I want into a memory card & transfer them to my PALM. Then I can go to the photo shoot, show them the pictures on my PALM and say "Get in this scene." It cuts 75% of prep time off each photo.
I would also recommend getting the top flip Rhino Skin. I was running with my PALM in my coat pocket and it fell out onto the sidewalk the first week I had it. Even the sound of the PALM hitting the ground sounded like it wasn't going to be hurt. Sure enough, it was fine.
That's more than I can say for my poor repeatedly cracked cell phone.
So, anyone who doubts switching from Clie (I don't even think they're around anymore), have no fear. Switch over. A Palm store even switched all my info over for free.
Oh yeah! The screen switching to horizontal makes reading documents in the T|X a lot more pleasant. And thank you for making a left handed option!
I do have a few issues.
When I first bought the PALM, it had this application called Addit.
Every time you HOTSYNC, it would give you the days news from Reuters.
Not only was this great when I didn't want to carry a magazine, it also motivated me to HotSync every day.
But Reuters stopped doing it a couple months after I bought the PALM. Now I usually don't Hot Sync more than once a month.
I also don't think the plastic screen covering that comes with the PALM works too well. Often, trying to make a "T" turns into an "l" and a space. But I worked on another persons T|X and it was WAY easier. So I think I need another protective cover.
I suppose I shouldn't expect it, but the videos have tended to run slow if they are too big (and I'm talking YouTube quality). I actually haven't tried to play video on it for awhile, so I might not know what I'm talking about.
Over all. Great Product.
Slime 2017-A 10-75 PSI Sport Dial Gauge
Slime 2017-A 10-75 PSI Sport Dial Gauge
10-75 PSI Black Dial Sport Gauge, Black Plastic With Yellow Face.
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Ambit Energy Launches Spanish Language Websites
Tue, 22 Apr 2008 18:27:28 -0700
Great news for Spanish speakers! Now you can gather customers and recruit new Consultants online in Spanish. Go to your personal Web site and click “Espanol” in the upper right-hand corner of your browser. Everything on the English-language Web sites has been translated into Spanish to make it easier for you to do business in Spanish-speaking communities.
Commissions - What are They Based On? When are They Paid?
Tue, 22 Apr 2008 19:45:06 -0700
Your weekly commissions are based on downline Consultants who obtain their four Pending or Energized customers by midnight (Central Time) on Friday. Commissions are paid the following Friday. (Get Direct Deposit so you don’t have to wait for a check in the mail!) Monthly commissions are based on how many Pending/Energized customers you have as of midnight (Central Time) the last day of the month. The amount of your check is determined based on the number of customers you have through six level
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